Legal notice

  • Business name: ESPACIOS MAESTROS SL
  • TIN: B86008323
  • Tax address: Calle de Inglaterra, 6, 29639, Benalmádena, Málaga
  • Phone number: +34 666 58 05 40
  • Email:
  • Domain:

Intellectual property and content

ESPACIOS MAESTROS SL is the entity that owns the domain names identifying the website and is the holder of the hosting of the pages on the appropriate server, as well as the email accounts belonging to the mentioned domain. Likewise, it owns the published content, texts, and photographs unless different ownership is indicated.

The reproduction and/or publication, whether total or partial, of the portal or its contents, as well as its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation, and other rights legally recognized by their owners, are not allowed without the prior, express, and written permission of the identified authors or ESPACIOS MAESTROS SL.

Law on the Information Society and Electronic Commerce

In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and Law 32/2003 of November 3, on General Telecommunications, users are informed that sending forms or emails will imply explicit consent to receive commercial communications from ESPACIOS MAESTROS SL via email or any other electronic means of communication. However, if you do not wish to continue receiving commercial communications, you can communicate it in +34 666 58 05 40 y

Applicable legislation

All the controversy arising from the interpretation of this ‘Legal Notice,’ ‘Privacy Policy,’ or ‘Cookie Policy’ shall be governed by Spanish law, specifically under the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Málaga.