Francesco Tonucci award UNICEF 2019


Yesterday, we had the privilege of accompanying the thinker and pedagogue Francesco Tonucci in receiving the UNICEF Spanish Committee Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez Awards for his long-standing commitment to defending children’s rights. He is recognized for his work in creating “The City of Children,” which is now present in more than 200 locations worldwide, as well as for his extensive career studying the behavior and education of young children.

“-How do you envision a good school?

-The school should take care of the cultural foundations of children. Before starting to teach content, it should consider itself as a place that offers a rich proposal: a pleasant space where music is heard during breaks, filled with art; where children are read to for fifteen minutes from cultured books to introduce them to the joy of reading. Children are not empty vessels that need to be “filled” because they know nothing. Teachers should value the knowledge and the family history that each six-year-old child brings with them.”


“-I envision classrooms without desks, with tables around which everyone sits: students and teachers. Where everyone together supports their knowledge, which is contradictory, asks questions, and advances in the search for the truth. Which is neither singular nor immovable.”


Congratulations on this great award!

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