8th University Conference on Innovation and Quality, University of Deusto


Last Wednesday, April 18th, we were in Bilbao, specifically at the University of Deusto, where the 8th University Conference on Innovation and Quality took place to reflect on “Spaces (virtual and physical) in the service of learning”.

Our dear Jose Picó, one of the leading experts in our country on this subject, opened the event with a talk in which he spoke about the importance of transforming spaces in educational environments. Jose, an architect and consultant in methodologies for innovation, also discussed creativity, innovation, and initiative, which are all very necessary when talking about education today.

The event continued with a series of talks from various collaborators and professors at the university. It was a dynamic and interesting day where teachers and students shared different methodologies and work systems.

For those who couldn’t attend the event, we’re sharing some photos. And to those who did, we thank you for being there and making it possible. Thanks to the University of Deusto for organizing events where knowledge and experience can be shared.

Transforming education by transforming its spaces

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